International Conferences Organized at Tel Aviv University
- 1st Multiple Comparison Procedures Conference (1996)
- Entire Functions in Modern Analysis (1997)
- ICOSAHOM98 (1998)
- Visions in Mathematics, Towards 2000 (1999)
- Workshop on Convex Geometric Analysis (2000)
- Representation Theory, Geometry and Automorphic Forms (2004)
- Workshop on Linear Algebraic Groups, Quadratic Forms and Related Topics (2004)
- Asymptotic Geometric Analysis (2005)
- Automorphic Forms and L-Functions (2006)
- Random Structures and Algorithms (2007)
- The State of Geometry and Functional Analysis (a conference in honor of Vitali Milman) (2009)
- Game Theory Conference: International Conferences Organized at Tel Aviv (2011)
- International workshop on Field Arithmetic (2010)
- International research workshop on "New Trends in Approximation Theory" (2012)
- International workshop on "Discrete Mathematics: Methods, Challenges and Applications" (2012)
- International conference on Applied Mathematics (in honor of Saul Abarbanel) (2012)
- International conference on "Distribution of Volume in Convex Bodies" (2012)
- The 19th Amitsur Symposium in Algebra (2012)
- Joint City University of Hong Kong - Tel Aviv University workshop on Mathematical analysis and Applications(2013 )
- Symplectic and Contact Dynamics Workshop, March 23-27, 2014, Tel Aviv University, Israel (2014).
- Joint Conference of the Israel Mathematical Union and the American Mathematical Society (2014)