Pure Mathematics Research
Name |
Research Field |
Prof. Semyon Alesker |
Convexity. |
Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, High-dimensional Convexity. |
Galois Theory, Field Arithmetic, Profinite Groups, Number Theory. |
Prof. Asher Ben Artzi |
Operator theory. |
Prof. Michael Bialy |
Hamiltonian systems; Dynamical systems. |
Algebraic groups; Number theory. |
Dr. Dmitry Faifman | faifmand | Convex geometry, differential and integral geometry | |
Prof. David Ginzburg |
Automorphic forms; L-functions. |
Set theory; Mathematical logic. |
Dr. Assaf Goldberger |
Number Theory; Linear Algbera. |
Prof. Yael Karshon | yaelkarshon | Symplectic geometry; Lie group actions | |
Combinatorics and its applications to theoretical computer science. |
Dr. Arie Levit | arielevit |
Group theory, geometry and dynamics |
Prof. Asaf Nachmias |
Probability Theory. |
Prof. Alexander Olevskii |
emer. |
Real and harmonic analysis. |
Symplectic topology; Hamiltonian dynamics. |
Probability theory and its applications; Statistical physics. |
Symplectic topology and dynamical systems. |
Prof. Shmuel Rosset |
emer. |
Algebra. |
Number theory. |
Prof. Yehuda Shalom |
Lie groups; Discrete groups. |
Combinatorics and its applications to theoretical computer science. |
Real and complex algebraic geometry. |
Prof. Mikhail Sodin |
Analysis |
Prof. David Soudry |
Automorphic forms; Representation theory; Harmonic analysis. |
Dr. Sara Tukachinsky | sara |
Symplectic geometry |
Dynamical Systems. |
Combinatorics. |
Prof. Doron Puder | doron |
Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory, Random walks, Combinatorics, Representation Theory |
Dr. Oleg Ivrii | Ivrii | Complex analysis | |
Dr. alon Nishri | alonish | Analysis and Probability theory | |
Dr. Alexei Entin | aentin | Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry | |
Prof. Lev Buhovski | levbuh |
Symplectic geometry, Analysis |