Excellence in Teaching

updated: 27.07.2018

The University Rector confers certificates of recognition upon the following instructors who have displayed excellence in teaching over the past years:


To the Rector's list of  Excellence in Teaching - The University's 100 list in Hebrew >



Senior Faculty:



Dr. Rotem Oshman

School of Computer Science


Prof. Shmuel Marco

School of Geosciences


Prof. Eliazer Piasetzky

School of Physics & Astronomy





Junior Faculty:



Lena Danken

School of Computer Science


Erez Cohen

School of Physics & Astronomy


Gabi Pragier

School of Mathematical Sciences





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Oded Hod

School of Chemistry


Prof. Ron Peled

School of Mathematical Sciences


Prof. Michal Feldman

School of Computer Science





Junior Facutly:



Raz Halifa Levy

School of Physics & Astronomy


Inbal Oz

School of Chemistry


Gal Kronenberg

School of Mathematical Sciences





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Yaron Ostrover

School of Mathematical Sciences


Prof. Ron Lifshitz

School of Physics & Astronomy


Prof. Haim Diamant

School of Chemistry





Junior Facutly:



Kiril Solovey

School of Computer Sciences


Tsodikovich Yevgeny

School of Mathematical Sciences


Oren Slone

School of Physics & Astronomy





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Marek Karliner

School of Physics & Astronomy


Prof. Oded Hod

School of Chemistry


Prof. Yaron Ostrover

School of Mathematical Sciences





Junior Facutly:



Adi Ashkenazi

School of Physics & Astronomy


Tal Galili

School of Mathematical Sciences


Dvir Netanely

School of Computer Sciences





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Moshe Kol

School of Chemistry


Prof. Tsevi Mazeh

School of Physics & Astronomy


Dr. Yaron Ostrover

School of Mathematical Sciences





Junior Facutly:



Mr. David Lagziel

School of Mathematical Sciences


Mr. Erez Zohar

School of Physics & Astronomy


Mr. Amir Rubinshtein

School of Computer Sciences





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Eilon Solan

School of Mathematical Sciences


Prof. Dan Halperin

School of Computer Sciences


Prof. Haim Diamant

School of Chemistry





Junior Faculty:



Iftach Silver

School of Physics & Astronomy


Ofir Hararri

School of Mathematical Sciences


Liron Cohen

School of Computer Sciences





Senior Faculty:



Dr. Jacob Yaacobi

School of Mathematical Sciences


Dr. Oded Hod

School of Chemistry


Prof. Ron Lifshitz

School of Physics & Astronomy





Junior Faculty:



Alexander Minkin

School of Mathematical Sciences


Shira Chapman-Tourdjman

School of Physics & Astronomy


Adam Shefer

School of Computer Sciences





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Yoram Dagan

School of Physics & Astronomy


Prof. David Soudry

School of Mathematical Sciences


Prof. Benny Schor

School of Computer Sciences





Junior Faculty:



Ishai Haviv

School of Computer Sciences


Boaz Keren-Tzur

School of Physics & Astronomy


Nir Sharon

School of Mathematical Sciences





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Noga Alon

School of Mathematical Sciences & Computer Sceinces


Prof. Eliazer Piasetzky

School of Physics & Astronomy


Prof. David Ginzburg

School of Mathematical Sciences





Junior Faculty:



Jonathan Barnet

School of Computer Sciences


Itai Shterenfeld

School of Physics & Astronomy


Ronen Alden

School of Mathematical Sciences





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Amiram Yehudai

School of Computer Sciences


Prof. Uri Liberman

School of Mathematical Sciences


Prof. Ron Lifshitz

School of Mathematical Sciences





Junior Faculty:



Yuval Harnes

School of Mathematical Sciences


Yoav Linberger

School of Physics & Astronomy





Senior Faculty:



Prof. Oded Regev

School of Computer Sciences


Prof. Eilon Solan

School of Mathematical Sciences


Prof. Joseph Klafter

School of Chemistry





Junior Faculty:



Dan Glick

School of Physics & Astronomy


Rami Ben-Ari

School of Mathematical Sciences





Prof. David Andelman

School of Physics & Astronomy





Prof. David Soudry

School of Mathematical Sciences





Prof. Paul Biran

School of Mathematical Sciences





Prof. Nir Shavit

School of Computer Sciences





Dr. Ron Lifshitz

School of Physics & Astronomy





Prof. Dina Kovetz

Dept. of Geosciences





Prof. Yoel Kashman

School of Chemistry





Prof. Ehud Lerer

School of Mathematical Sciences


Prof. Akiva Flexer

Dept. of Geosciences


Prof. Marek Karliner

School of Physics & Astronomy


Dr. Oren Beker

School of Chemistry





Prof. Reuven Chen

School of Physics & Astronomy


Prof. David Ginzburg

School of Mathematical Sciences


Prof. Joseph Klafter

School of Chemistry