
updated: 30.04.2023

List of Chairs at the Faculty of Exact Sciences:


The Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Mathematical Sciences



The Nathan and Lily Silver Chair in Stochastic Models

Solan Eilon

The Dr. Irene Halmos Chair of Game Theory

Lehrer Ehud

The Argentine Chair in Mathematics: Representation Theory

Soudry David

The Cissy and Aaron Beare Chair of Number Theory

Rudkin Zeev

The Bauer-Neuman Chair in Real and Complex Geometry

Shustin Evgenii

The Gordon Chair in Dynamical Systems and Symplectic Topology

Polterovich Leonid

The Chair in Analysis

Sodin Mikhail

The Florence and Ted Baumritter Chair in Combinatorics and C.s

Krivelevich Michael

The Chair of Asymptotic Convex Geometry

Artstein Shiri

The chair in Modern Statistics and Data Science

Saharon Rosset

The Eric and Sheila Samson Chair in Optimization

Yoel Shkolnisky



The Blavatnik School of Computer Science



Prof. Nachum Dershowitz

The Chair for Computational Logic

Prof. Yishay Mansour

The Chair in Communication Networks

Prof. Tova Milo

The Chair for Information Management

Prof. Shmuel Safra

The Cahir for Theory of Computer Science

Prof. Shmuel Sagiv

The Software Systems Chair

Prof. Ron Shamir

The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Chair in Bioinformatics

Prof. Daniel Cohen-Or

The Isaias Nizri Chair in Computational Geometry and Robotics

Prof. Haim J. Wolfson

The George and Maritza Pionkowski Chair in Computer Aided Drug Design

Prof. Michal Feldman

The Chair of Computation and Ecconomics



The Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy



Prof. Halina Abramowicz

The Nathan Cummings Chair of Experimental Particle Physics

Prof. David Andelman

The Moyses Nussenzveig Chair in Statistical Physics

Prof. Lev Vaidman

The Alex Maguy-Glass Chair in Physics of Complex System

Prof. Yacov Kantor

The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Chair of Theoretical Solid State Physics and Thermodynamics

Prof. Marek Karliner

The Edouard and Francoise Jaupart Chair of Theoretical Physics of Particles and Fields

Prof. Dan Maoz

The George S. Wise Chair of Physics & Astronomy

Prof. Yaron Oz

The Yuval Neeman Chair in Physics

Prof. Alexander Palevski

The Carol and Melvin S.Taub Chair in Applied Physics

Prof. Eliazer Piasetzky

The Wolfson Chair  in Experimental Physics

Prof. Jacob Sonnenschein

The Wolfson  Chair  in Theoretical Physics

Prof. Amiel Sternberg

The Yuval Ne'eman Chair in Theoretical Physics

Prof. Nissan Itzhaki

The Dr. Teodoro Jack and Dorothea Krauthamer Chair in Physics

Prof. Ehud Nakar

The Jack Adler Chair of Extragalactic Astronomy endowed by P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds

Yoram Dagan

The Oren Family Chair of Experimental Physics



The Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Chemistry



Prof. Arkadi Vigalok

The Ratner Family Chair for the Study of Chemistry – in Honor of Prof. Abraham Nitzan

Prof. Shmuel Carmeli

The Natahn Cummings Chair for Natural Products in Medicine

Prof. Ori Cheshnovsky

The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Chair in Clusters and Nanoparticles

Prof. Yoram Cohen

The Joshua Jortner Chair in Chemistry

Prof. Diana Golodnitsky

The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Chair for Chemistry and Energy Sciences

Prof. Gil Markovich

The Alexander and Klara Stransky Chair in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials

Prof. Doron Shabat

The Emerico Letay Chair in Chemical Processes

Prof. Oded Hod

The Heinemann Chair of Physical Chemistry

Prof. Moshe Kol

The Bruno Landesberg Chair for Green Chemistry

Prof. Eran Rabani

The Marko and Lucie Chaoul Chair of Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience

Prof. Fernando Patolsky

The Josef  Kryss Chair in Chemistry at Surfaces and Interfaces

Prof. Haim Diamant

 The Riwka (nee Schechter) and Iser Kodesz Chair in Chemical Dynamics



Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences



Prof. Shmuel Marco

The Mikhael Moshe Nebenzahl and Dr. Amalia Grossberg  Chair in Geodynamics

Prof. Colin Price

The Jose Goldemberg  Chair in Planetary Physics