Dean of the Faculty - Prof. Tova Milo

updated: 24.07.2022

Dean of the Faculty - Prof. Tova Milo

Structure of the Faculty of Exact Sciences

Our Faculty includes the mathematical sciences: The School of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Computer Sciences, and the physical sciences: The School of Physics and Astronomy, the School of Chemistry and the Department of Geosciences.

The Faculty is renowned worldwide for its high-caliber scientific cadre and for the outstanding research that takes place under its auspices; it is also known around the world for the quality of its teaching and its comprehensive and varied study programs.

Academic study in the Faculty is exceedingly challenging, which makes it a distinct honor to be among its graduates.


Academic staff

Our Faculty numbers some 160 academic appointees. It has been growing in size and this growth is expected to continue in the future. When one adds the changes in personnel that have occurred in recent years as well as those anticipated for the coming years - veteran academic faculty members retiring and a new generation taking their place - it is clear that we are witnessing a momentous change in the composition and age of the Faculty's senior academic staff. I can say with great confidence, that each and every academic faculty member added to our staff is an asset to the State of Israel in general, and to Tel Aviv University in particular. Each and every one of them has returned to us from a prestigious research institution abroad, and there is no doubt in my mind that they will lead Israeli science and technology to greater heights.

We, the Faculty academic staff, are committed to educating the next generation of Israel's science and technology work force. Science and technology are major resources of every country around the world. For Israel they are matters of existential importance.


Research programs - creativity and imagination

Research programs offered by our Faculty cover most fields of inquiry in the exact sciences, at the highest possible level. We are educating over two thousand students at the bachelor's degree level, and a thousand at the graduate level. The Faculty admits only the best and brightest students to its programs. Our graduates can be found in leading positions in the academic world and in industry, in Israel and abroad.
Our primary educational objective is to develop our students' ability to think, be creative and ready for the challenges ahead. We view  imagination as more important than knowledge. In Albert Einstein’s words “Logic takes us safely from Point A to Point B, but imagination can take us anywhere”.

We need to foster intuition and imagination. At a recent Board of Governors meeting we held a fascinating discussion on the importance of imagination and creativity in the scientific world. I have no doubt that the study programs offered by our Faculty contribute to the development of these traits.

At present we are working to establish entrepreneurship and innovation centers on the University campus, in cooperation with leading Israeli and international high-tech companies. These centers will help advance ideas conceived by students and graduates, and ultimately bring these ideas to fruition in the form of finished products.


Advanced degrees offered by the Faculty

In addition to providing students with frameworks for graduate study, the advanced-degree programs offered by the Faculty enable them to conduct international-level research with scientists of the highest caliber. The research experience is unparalleled - it offers the opportunity to tread where no one has gone before. I can affirm that it is a world of wonders. The challenge embodied in scientific research is tremendous. British scientist Stephen Hawking once said about the famous quantum theory debate (whether the laws of nature are deterministic or statistical): "Not only does God play dice but ... He sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.”


Future plans - entrepreneurship and innovation

To conclude, I am fully confident that any student who enrolls in our Faculty will be provided with an intensive learning experience by some of the finest instructors in the fields of science and technology - a bracing research challenge, an opportunity to develop his or her imagination, thinking skills and creativity, to strive for excellence and to engage in entrepreneurship and innovation.

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