
updated: 30.04.2023

List of Charis at the School of Mathematical Sciences:




The Nathan and Lily Silver Chair in Stochastic Models

Solan Eilon

The Dr. Irene Halmos Chair of Game Theory

Lehrer Ehud

The Argentine Chair in Mathematics: Representation Theory

Soudry David

The Cissy and Aaron Beare Chair of Number Theory

Rudkin Zeev

The Bauer-Neuman Chair in Real and Complex Geometry

Shustin Evgenii

The Gordon Chair in Dynamical Systems and Symplectic Topology

Polterovich Leonid

The Chair in Analysis

Sodin Mikhail

The Florence and Ted Baumritter Chair in Combinatorics and C.s

Krivelevich Michael

The Eric and Sheila Samson Chair in Optimization

Yoel Shkolnisky

The Chair of Asymptotic Convex Geometry

Artstein Shiri

The Chair in Modern Statistics and Data Science Rosset Saharon