Surface Science

updated: 20.09.2022

Surface Science

Surface science is the study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases including solid–liquid, solid–gas, solid–vacuum is, liquid–liquid and liquid-gas interfaces.


Surface science includes the fields of heterogeneous catalysis, self-assembly, micro- and nano-electronics, surface spectroscopy and tribology, and it strongly overlaps with electrochemistry and colloid science.


Surface science is of particular importance for numerous technologies including semiconductor device fabrication, fuel cells and more.




Prof. Diamant Haim, Prof. Fleischer SharlyDr. Kaminker IliaProf. Markovich Gil, Prof. Patolsky Fernando, Prof. Rabani Eran, Dr. Schwartz Tal, Prof. Selzer YoramDr. Sitt Amit.



Prof. Cheshnovsky Ori, Prof. Even UziProf. Klafter Joseph (Yossi)Prof. Nitzan Abraham,​ Prof. Urbakh Michael.


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