Coherent control of molecular angular distributions in 3D - alignment and orientation of molecules in the gas phase.
Nonlinear optics in the terahertz and near-IR.
Ultrafast molecular dynamics
Coherent radiative decay of excited populations
Non-intrusive, in-situ terahertz spectroscopy of battery cells (under INREP project).
Laser induced alignment of macromolecules in liquid and the
Prof. Sharly Fleischer
School of Chemistry
ביה"ס לכימיה
סגל אקדמי בכיר

B.Sc in chemistry, Ben Gurion University, 1999-2002
M.Sc in Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute, 2003-2005
PhD in Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute, 2005-2009
Academic Appointments
Senior lecturer - School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 2013-Present
Postdoc in Chemical Physics at M.I.T, 2009-2013
Awards and Prizes
Best thesis award, Israeli Chemical Society, 2010
Kennedy prize for graduate students, Weizmann Institute, 2009
Otto Schwartz graduate scholarship fund award, 2009
"Eshkol" scholarship, Israel Ministry of Science Culture & Sport, 2006
Knesset award for academic excellence, 2005
Feinberg Graduate School Dean’s prize for M.Sc. students, Weizmann Institute, 2005