Prof. Haim Diamant

School of Chemistry
ביה"ס לכימיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Haim Diamant
Phone: 03-6406967
Fax: 03-6408122
Office: Multi-disciplinary Center, 311


Haim Diamant studies theoretically the structure and dynamics of complex fluids and soft matter. These materials, such as suspensions, membranes, and biological fluids, are characterized by several length scales and time scales. The purpose of the research is to understand the physical principles underlying the structural organization of such materials and their response to various perturbations. Examples of recent and present research projects:

  • Motion of particles in suspension within strongly confined spaces

  • Motion of proteins embedded in a membrane

  • Spatial and temporal response of biopolymer networks

  • Patterns in fluid-supported thin elastic layers

  • Alignment of particle orientations in suspension


  • BSc, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1993

  • MSc, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1996

  • PhD, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2000

Academic Appointments

  • Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2012-Present

  • Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University, 2006-2012

  • Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, 2002-2006

  • Research Associate, University of Chicago, 1999-2002

Awards and Prizes

  • Wolf Awards (MSc, PhD), 1995, 1998

  • Clore Scholarship, 1998

  • Rothschild Fellowship, 1999

  • Compton Lectureship, 2000

  • Alon Fellowship, 2002

  • Sackler Career Chair, 2005 

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