Dr. Shany Danieli is an observational astrophysicist whose work focuses on studying the properties of galaxies to understand a wide range of physical phenomena in the universe.
Her current research investigates faint and low-mass galaxies beyond our Milky Way Galaxy, which are nearly impossible to detect using traditional methods. These galaxies are particularly important for studying dark matter, a mysterious substance that constitutes over 80% of the universe’s matter, yet whose nature and properties remain unknown. Dr. Danieli focuses on discovering and analyzing faint galaxies beyond the Milky Way, utilizing advanced telescopes on Earth and in space, and using innovative observations.
Her work integrates observational and theoretical evidence from studies of galaxies and globular clusters to build a cohesive narrative of the nature of dark matter and its important interplay with baryonic matter on small scales. This research aims to address critical questions such as: How common are low-mass galaxies beyond the Milky Way? What are their compositions, and what physical processes govern their formation and evolution? And what are the relationships between dark matter and visible matter in galaxies?
Additional areas of expertise:
- Imaging and spectroscopy
- Galaxy Formation and Evolution
- Galaxy dynamics
- Dark matter
- The low surface brightness universe
- Astronomical surveys