Prof. Hagai Netzer

Emeritus in School of Physics and Astronomy
ביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה אמריטוס
Prof. Hagai Netzer
Phone: 03-6407152
Office: Kaplun, 116


Prof. Hagai Netzer works on several topics in extragalactic astronomy including: the formation and growth of the first super massive black holes; star formation in the local and early Universe; the parallel evolution of black holes and stellar mass in galaxies; measuring black hole mass using reverberation mapping and direct imaging; the physics and the properties of accretion disks around super massive black holes; the physics of ionized gas and dust in astronomical objects; mergers of galaxies in the early universe; AGN and star formation feedback in various types of galaxies.


Research achievements include: The first successful reverberation mapping of very luminous AGN at high redshift; the most detailed reverberation mapping of a local AGN using HST; the first direct imaging of the ionizing gas in a quasar; characterizing the properties of AGN accretion disks including measuring the black hole spin; identifying the influence of high Eddington-ratio black holes on the surrounding gas; discovering giant galaxy mergers and measuring their star formation rate at z=5; identifying unique star formation in LINERS; finding a new way to identify AGN-driven winds using IR observations.


Future directions: using VLT-Gravity, VLT-SINFONI, JWST, Keck and XMM-Newton to improve and explore new ways in the above topics. 


  • B.Sc, Tel Aviv University, 1972

  • Ph.D, Sussex University, UK, 1975

Academic Appointments

  • Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, 1977

  • Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, 1979

  • Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University, 1983

  • Professor, Tel Aviv University, 1987

  • Visiting professor in various academic institutions in the USA, Europe and Japan, 1977-2013

  • Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University, 2009

Awards and Prizes

  • Rothschild foundation Ph.D fellowship, 1972-1975

  • Chair, The Jack Adler Chair of Extragalctic Astronomy, 1994-2011

  • Associate of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2003

  • Humboldt Prize, 2005

  • Weizmann Prize in Exact Sciences, 2005

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