Prof. Moshe Kol

School of Chemistry
ביה"ס לכימיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Moshe Kol
Phone: 03-6407392
Another phone: 03-6405587
Fax: 03-6409293
Office: Shenkar - Chemistry, 110


The research group of Moshe Kol is investigating the synthesis of chelalting ligands and their wrapping tendencies around main-group metals and transition metals to give well-defined complexes. These complexes are investigated mostly in catalysis of stereoselective transformations with emphasis on polymerization reactions. The current research directions include: 

  • Development of catalysts based on group 4 transition metal complexes for stereoselective polymerization of propylene and other alpha-olefins.

  • Development of various metallic catalysts for stereoselective ring-opening polymerization of lactones, to give environmentally-benign polymers such as poly(lactic acid)

  • Design of “chiral-at-metal” complexes for asymmetric catalysis

  • Investigation of polymeryl migration processes in stereoselective polymerization reactions

  • Investigation of self-organization processes of “chiral-at-metal” complexes.


  • BSc in Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 1982

  • PhD, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 1991

  • Post-doctoral studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992-1993

Academic Appointments

  • Lecturer, School of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University, 1994-1997

  • Senior Lecturer, School of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University, 1998-2002

  • Associate Professor, School of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University, 2002-2006

  • Professor, School of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University, 2006-Present

  • Incumbent of the Bruno Landesberg chair of Green Chemistry, 2011-Present

Prizes & Awards

  • Rothschild Fellowship for post-doctoral studies, 1991

  • Alon Fellowship, 1993

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