Prof. Moshe Ben Shalom

School of Physics and Astronomy
ביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Moshe Ben Shalom
Phone: 03-6408724
Another phone: 4281
Office: Shenkar Physics, 419


The Quantum Layard Matter Group research focuses on collective excitation in crystalline materials. We aim to observe/understand/control the way electrons/photons/phonons and additional “crystal-induced” particles act in pure mediums that we confine into tiny artificial devices.

We use layered crystals, like graphite, that form strong covalent bonds in one plane versus a relatively weak “van-der-Waals” attraction between the different planes. The weak coupling between the layers allows us to engineer novel artificial crystals and playgrounds for the underlining quasi-particles to test our ideas.  

Since they serve as the building blocks of the current electronic revolution, by extending the library of these “quasi-particles,” our fundamental knowledge of their interactions and the concepts to control their properties could impact all fields of life.

Current projects:

  • Interfacial ferroelectricity by vdW sliding (SlideTronics).
  • Symmetry engineering of vdW polytypes.
  • Pseudomagnetic fields in graphene.
  • Graphene-based superconducting interference devices.


  • physics, Tel Aviv University, 2007

  • M.Sc. Physics, Tel Aviv University, 2009

  • Ph.D. Physics, Tel Aviv University, 2013

Academic Appointments

  • Postdoctoral Researcher Associate, Physics, University of Manchester, UK, 2013-2015

  • Research Fellow, Graphene & 2D Materials, National Graphene Institute, UK, 2015-2017

  • Senior Lecturer, Physics, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2017

Awards and Prizes

  • Israel Physical Society Award, 2022

  • Alix De Rothschild Prize, 2013

  • Israel Physical Society Award, graduate student, 2012

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