Prof. Uzi Kaldor

Emeritus in School of Chemistry
ביה"ס לכימיה אמריטוס
Prof. Uzi Kaldor
Phone: 03-6408590
Fax: 03-6428273
Office: Multi-disciplinary Center, 210


Relativistic quantum chemical methods for high-accuracy calculation and prediction of heavy and superheavy atoms and molecules are developed. This requires high-order, simultaneous treatment of relativity and electron correlation; quantum electrodynamic effects are also included. The methods and computer packages developed were first applied to systems with experimentally available data; calculations agreed with experiment to a few hundredths of an eV. This made possible predictions for superheavy elements; many of their properties were found to deviate from extrapolations made on the basis of the Periodic Table. Thus, ground state electronic configurations differ in many cases from those of lighter homologues, giving different chemistry. Element 118, which will have a rare-gas electron configuration, is predicted to have positive electron affinity.


In recent years, novel experimental techniques made possible measurement of ionization potentials of very heavy elements. Experimental-theoretical collaborations yielded excellent agreement (~0.01 eV) between measurements and calculations. Joint papers were published recently for At (element 85, Nature Comm. 4, 1835, 2013) and Lr (element 103, Nature, 2015, in press).


  • M.Sc., Hebrew University, 1957-1962

  • Ph. D., Technion, 1964-1966

Academic Appointments

  • Postdocdoral Fellow, Stanford University, California, 1966-1968

  • Lecturer, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 1968-1969

  • Senior Lecturer, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 1969-1973

  • Associate Professor, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 1973-1979

  • Professor, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 1980-2007

  • Professor Emeritus, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 2007-Present

Awards and Prizes

  • Incumbent, Emerico Letay Chair in Quantum Chemistry, 1995-2009

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