Prof. Halina Abramowicz Participates in two international collaborations, the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, which explores proton-proton interactions at unprecedentedly high centre of mass energy, and the FCAL Collaboration, which develops instrumentation for the forward region of future electron-positron colliders. Both, the present and future colliders, have the objective to explore the properties of the newly discovered Higgs boson. Her main interests and activities focus on precision measurements of the Standard Model predictions, in the strong interaction sector, as the ultimate tools to probe the physics beyond.
Research Achievements include: measurements of the total proton-proton cross section at the energies available at the LHC and characterisation of the proton structure through measurements of double-parton scattering in various final states, extracted in an original way by applying machines learning techniques. On the detector R&D front, the group came up with a unique design of very thin silicon sensor detectors which reduce the radial size of electromagnetic showers by almost a factor two compared to previous developments.
Future directions include: further studies of parton correlation and coherent effects in the proton at the LHC and participation in the design and construction of the LUXE experiment at the European XFEL facility at DESY (Hamburg) to explore non-perturbative quantum electrodynamics in the Schwinger limit of sparking vacuum. In the latter case, the group will apply its expertise in designing compact electromagnetic calorimeters acquired as part of the R&D effort for future electron-positron colliders.