Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of the Earth
Soil Spectroscopy
Developing applications in many diciplines (medicin, veterinary, civl engineerings, precise agriculture)
Generating Soil Spectral Library for the Medearnenam countries
Bi lateral projects with Czech Republic (CGS), Germany (GFZ), Greec (i-BEC), Italy (CNR) and EC (EUFAR, EO-MINERS and GEO-CRADEL)
Prof. Eyal Ben-Dor
Emeritus in School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
בית הספר לסביבה ולמדעי כדור הארץ
Email: bendor@tauex.tau.ac.il
Phone: 03-6407049
Another phone: 03-6406835
Fax: 03-6406243
Office: Yad Avner - Geography, 111
B.Sc., Agriculture, Soil and Water science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1983
M.Sc., Agriculture, Soil and Water science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1986
Ph.D., Agriculture, Soil and Water science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1992
Academic Appointments
Lecturer, Geography and Human Environment Department, Tel Aviv University, 1994
Senior Lecturer, Geography and Human Environment Department, Tel Aviv University, 1997
Associate Professor, Geography and Human Environment Department, Tel Aviv University, 2002
Full Professor, Geography and Human Environment Department, Tel Aviv University, 2007