Dr. Adi Ashkenazi

School of Physics and Astronomy
ביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Adi Ashkenazi
Phone: 03-6408636
Office: Kaplun, 415


Dr Adi Ashkenazi is an experimental particle physicist, studying the properties of the most elusive yet stable elementary particles known to us, namely the neutrinos. Out of all particles, the three types of neutrinos hold a great mystery. Unlike others, many of their properties are still unknown and the known ones, i.e the existence of their masses, are very hard to explain using the known tools.

All existing experiments are detecting neutrinos via observation of neutrino-nucleus interactions. The nuclear physics aspects of these interaction are not yet well understood and their impact is of non-negligible size.

Ashkenazi’s research plan is focused on estimating the impact of nuclear effects in neutrino experiments, coordinating an effort to leverage electron scattering data to benchmark models and improve neutrino event generators. Ashkenazi is an active member of MicroBooNE and DUNE, a spokesperson of a dedicated electron scattering experiment at JLAB, and a Monte Carlo developer.   Her lab plans to produce a series of novel measurements that will improve current models used for neutrino interaction simulations to support the needs of the future DUNE experiment for oscillation precision measurements and New Physics searches.


  • BSc, in Physics and Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2009.

  • MSc in Physics, Tel Aviv University, 2012.

  • PhD in Physics, Tel Aviv University, 2016

Academic Appointments

  • Research Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA, 2017-2020

  • Senior Lecturer at Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2021-Today

Awards and Prizes

  • International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Commission of Particles and Fields, The IUPAP C11 Early Career Scientist Award, 2022.

  • Centro Fermi, World Scientific, EPJ,  The Guido Altarelli Award, awarded at the XXIX International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering & Related Subjects, 2022.

  • Universities Research Association, Tollestrup award for postdoctoral research, 2020 

  • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Intensity frontier fellowship, 2018

  • Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel national postdoctoral award for advancing women in science, 2018

  • The Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program, Postdoctoral scholarship, 2017

  • Israel Physical Society, Amos De Shalit award for exceptional dissertation, 2017

  • Tel Aviv University, Academic achievements scholarship in memory of Yuval Ne’eman, 2016

  • Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Engineering prize for excellence in teaching, 2015

  • Tel Aviv University, The Rector’s award for excellence in teaching, 2015

  • Tel Aviv University, An Ann & Moris Cohen Scholarship for excellence in teaching, 2014

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