Congratulations to Or Lusky and Shahar Goren from the School of Chemistry on winning the Peled scholarship for excellent PhD students

Or Lusky is a PhD student in the group of Prof. Amir Goldbourt from the Department of Physical Chemistry, Shahar Goren is a PhD student in the group of Dr. Raya Sorkin from the Department of Physical Chemistry and Dr. Ayelet Lesman from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Congratulations to Or Lusky and Shahar Goren from the School of Chemistry on winning the Peled scholarship for excellent PhD students

Or's research deals with development of solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) tools and methods in order to study the interactions between nucleic-acid-binding proteins and RNA and DNA of viral sources.


The research utilizes NMR to provide important structural information like distances between atoms and dynamics of structures, thus learning the fundamental systems of life itself on the single-atom level.


Shahar's research revolves around the micro-mechanics of fibrous hydrogels, such as collagen and fibrin. He uses Optical Tweezers to study the changing mechanical properties of fibrous scaffolds in the presence of cells and under applied external loads, in order to help decipher the interplay between gel mechanics and cell behavior.


The Prof. Emanuel Peled scholarship is awarded annually to PhD students at the School of Chemistry for their extraordinary academic excellence.


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