Closing Ceremony of the 2015 Beno Arbel Mathematical Olympiad
The closing ceremony was held on Tuesday, 20.1.2015 at Tel Aviv University
The Beno Arbel National Mathematics Olympiad for junior high school students took place for the second time, in collaboration with the Unit for Science Oriented Youth at Tel Aviv University. Five thousand students from all over the country participated in the first phase of the contest and 500 students qualified for the final stage. At the closing ceremony, held on Tuesday, 20.1.2015 at Tel Aviv University, 72 students received prizes and certificates. These students will join the Israeli scientific youth team, whose graduates train for positions on the Israeli scientific Olympic teams in mathematics, physics, informatics and chemistry.
Honored Speakers at the ceremony:
Prof. Nir Sochen, head of the School of Mathematical Sciences
Prof. Rafi Nachmias, Chairman of the academic committee for the unit for science oriented youth
Ms. Talila Franklin, daughter of Professor Beno Arbel
Mr. Moshe Gutman, representative of Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank, which sponsors the Israeli scientific youth team
Mr. Omri Solan, representative of the mathematics Olympic team
Prof. Eilon Solan, academic supervisor for the scientific youth Olympic team