Physics Colloquium: Emergent Gauge Fields and Topology in Quantum Matter

Prof. Ashvin Vishwanath, Harvard University

07 December 2020, 16:00 
Physics Colloquium




For decades, condensed matter systems have been studied within the framework of classical order parameters i.e. the Landau Wilson paradigm. This has been recently extended with the rather complete understanding of topological states of noninteracting electrons. In this talk I will focus instead on new physics that arises from the interplay of topology and strong interactions. A unifying theme will be the emergence of gauge fields rather than the classical order parameters of Landau theory. I will illustrate these general themes with two recent works.


The first proposes a route to realizing a long sought after phase the Z 2 quantum spin liquid in a synthetic platform, an array of highly excited (Rydberg) atoms [ 1 ]. A potential application to the engineering of naturally fault tolerant quantum bits will also be described. The second example describes a topological route to strong coupling superconductivity [ 2 ], which was inspired by recent experimental observations in magic angle bilayer graphene and related devices.


1 ] 2011.12310 . Prediction of Toric Code Topological Order from Rydberg Blockade.

Authors: R. Verresen , M. Lukin and A. Vishwanath


2 ] 2004.00638 . Charged Skyrmions and Topological Origin of Superconductivity in Magic Angle Graphene.



Event Organizer: Prof. Haim Suchowski