Center for Big Data in the City

updated: 23.06.2019

Center for Big Data in the City

The urban revolution of the XXI century is accompanied by an unprecedented growth of access to the big urban data coming from governmental institutions and private companies. For the first time in human history, the information about urban past and present is sufficient for the operational evaluation of the urban future.


We are a team of experts in the field of data analytics and modeling, with numerous relations with data providers in the fields of remote sensing, transportation, urban infrastructure and population, who decided to join forces for:


  • Establishing a leading urban data repository, unique in its kind in Israel. The hub will close the existing ‘science - practice gap’ in the analytical and modeling domain;

  • Analyzing multi-source data for estimating basic tendencies of urban development and society’s abilities to influence them;

  • Developing predictive models of urban phenomena – urban sprawl, public transport, urban pollution;

  • The societal product of a center will be data-intensive web-based participatory models of Israeli city life. These models will be open for citizens, NGO, urban managers, planners and stakeholders and serve for innovative urban training and assessment activities.


Contact Us:

Prof. Itzhak Benenson, Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
