Head of the School

updated: 30.12.2018

Prof. Shmulik Marco - Head of School

Prof. Shmulik Marco - Head of School

The Porter School for the Environment and Earth Sciences includes three departments: The Department of Geography and the Human Environment, the Department of Geophysics and the Department of Environmental Studies. The purpose of the school is to maintain a high level of research and teaching that enables understanding of the Earth's natural systems, the interaction between them, and their impact on humanity. An integration of researchers from the humanities and exact sciences under the roof of one school is indeed challenging but it has the potential to lead to advanced research that had previously not been done at Tel Aviv University.


Throughout the world, humanity is troubled by environmental problems, natural disasters, global climate change, diminishing resources and an increase in the needs of energy, water, minerals, clean air and so on. As a result, there is a growing need for knowledge, research, and training of researchers in a variety of environmental fields. The fields of study and research at our school deal with those urgent environmental issues that are on the public agenda, while encouraging and fostering excellence in specific fields of research, as well as in acquiring the skills for interdisciplinary research that are required in many environmental studies.


The school aims to be a leader in the unique research in fields of study that each department excels in and to become a center of interdisciplinary environmental research. We combine quantitative research in a way that is characteristic of the exact sciences along with qualitative research, and engage in both basic scientific research and applied research.  Some of the work is done in cooperation with non-academic bodies such as industry, consulting companies, governmental institutions and the like.


Study and research towards an advanced degree - master's or doctorate - opens the door to a fascinating world of scientific discoveries and hand in hand enables an experience in scientific research. We offer a variety of graduate programs for outstanding students pursuing advanced studies in the fields of physical and human Earth sciences: geophysics, earthquakes, oil and gas exploration, atmospheric sciences, planetary sciences, oceanography, remote sensing, satellites, Geographic Information Systems ( GIS), climate change, alternative energy, hydrology, air and water pollution, transportation, urban planning and design, smart cities, socio-cultural geography, environmental policy and more.


At the undergraduate level, students can choose between B.Sc. or B.A degree. For both degrees there is a common core curriculum, taught to all students, that gives every undergraduate student a familiarity with the basics of Environment and Earth sciences. Our undergraduate acquires tools that enable him or her to either continue towards graduate and doctoral studies in each of the departments of the research centers of the school, or to choose an environmental career in industry or in various government bodies.


We invite all who are curious and wish to explore the Earth and the environment to come and learn with us. Graduate studies begin with the selection of a research field and continue with the finding of an appropriate advisor among the academic staff. You are invited to read the personal websites of faculty members to find out more about their activities and to contact those who appear to you as potential advisors.



Prof. Shmulik Marco

Head of School


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