Center for Complex Systems

updated: 24.06.2019

Center for Complex Systems

The Earth is a highly complex system in the sense that it consists of enormous amount of components which interact with each other in a non-linear fashion. Furthermore, nowadays human activities increasingly affect our environment with an unprecedented force. Specifically, global warming is expecting to affect the Eastern Mediterranean region dramatically by decreasing the amount of precipitations and increasing the duration and intensity of heat waves. In order to understand the consequences of such complex dynamics and find solutions to handle this situation one has to bring together researchers from the "hard sciences", such as climate dynamics scientists and geophysicists, as well as urban development and water quality researchers and even researchers who develop alternative resources for food, such as sea- agriculture. Such scientists have been gathered recently in the new Porter School for Environment and Earth Sciences in Tel-Aviv University.



Contact Us:

Prof. Eyal Heifetz, Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
