Joint Seminar in Nuclear Physics
15:15 - 15:30 - Refreshments
15:30 - 16:30 - "Long-Lived Alpha Decay", Wilsenach, Heinrich, Tel Aviv University
Abstract: The radioactive dating technique is one of the most powerful tools used to determine the age of materials. This information is vital to our understanding of the formation of the world around us. One branch of dating techniques uses long-lived alpha decaying isotopes to determine materials' formation time and composition.
As mass separation techniques become more sensitive, adding more dating systems from different isotopes or even combining existing systems is possible. One major hindrance to these efforts is the quality of nuclear data.
The work that will be presented here is focused on the improvement of half-life values for radioactive dating. Measuring radioactive nuclides with half-lives much longer than the age of the Universe helps to achieve this goal. This work will present an ionisation chamber specifically designed for this purpose.
State-of-the-art Monte Carlo techniques have been used to simulate the chamber down to the pulse shape level. This method has been used to define rigorous data cuts, resulting in a high background suppression level. The measurements of the half-lives of 190Pt, 147Sm, and 210Po will be presented. These measurements employ solid-state techniques that are able to characterise the sample geometry to nanometer precision. In addition, the re-measurement of the 144Sm(α,γ)148Gd nucleosynthesis cross-section will also be presented.
16:30 - 17:00 - Coffee break
17:00 - 18:00 - !!!(virtual)!!! - "The Electron-Ion Collider: Science program and detector development opportunities", Or Hen, MIT
Protons and neutrons are the fundamental building blocks of atomic nuclei that make up essentially all the visible matter in the universe. Over 50 years of studies revealed that nucleons are composed of quarks and gluons whose interactions and dynamics are governed by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).
However, due to the intrinsic complexity of many-body QCD, many profound questions remain open. These include the emergent of nucleon spin and mass, the QCD origin of nuclear interactions, the three-dimensional structure of nucleons and nuclei, and the properties of low-temperature dense gluonic matter. Developing a deeper understanding of these questions is one of the grand challenges of modern science. In this talk I will discuss how these questions will be addressed by the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), which the US Department of Energy recently approved for construction at Brookhaven National Lab.
Following an overview of the scientific program, I will present the design of the EIC detector and opportunities for international and Israeli collaboration.