LMI Seminar: Towards Anatomical Profiling of Intact Organs with Tissue Clearing, Custom Microscopy and Algorithms
Alon Greenbaum, University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University
Zoom: https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/84198298790?pwd=eVhFclFqbzZZNmI1NjE5aC9rV0NrQT09
Tissue clearing techniques can now render entire organs transparent for optical investigation. Taking advantage of this extraordinary new process requires adaptive imaging devices that can image large volumes of tissue within few hours and with consistent resolution. These imaging devices need to be intelligent, changing their functional parameters based on the sample shape and composition to acquire aberration-free and high-resolution images across the sample. Towards this end, my lab uses adaptive optics together with deep learning methods to correct for aberrations in the illumination path of a light-sheet microscope. As a test case, I will present macroscopic and microscopic properties of an intact porcine cochlea that is entombed by a dense and bony structure.