Physics Colloquium: Spintro-Mechanics of Single-Electronic Nanostructures

Prof. Robert Shekhter, Göteborg University, Sweden

03 November 2013, 16:00 
Shenkar Building, Melamed Hall 006 
Physics Colloquium

A new perspective on nano-electro-mechanics opens up if one considers how the electronic spin - in addition to (or instead of) the electronic charge - couples to mechanical degrees of freedom [1, 2]. Such a possibility naturally occurs if magnetic materials are employed to build nano-mechanical devices. Nano-mechanics induced by magnetic exchange forces become possible as a result of spin-mechanical coupling. This talk presemts a short review of recent theoretical results illustrating the above mentioned phenomena in magnetic shuttle devices.

  1. R. I. Shekhter, L. Y. Gorelik, I. V. Krive, M. N. Kiselev, A. V. Parafilo, and M. Jonson, Nonoelectromech. Systems 1,   (2013).
  2. R. I. Shekhter, A. Pulkin, and M. Jonson, Phys. Rev. B 86, 100404(R) (2012).
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