Tools and Algorithms

updated: 16.07.2023

Tools and Algorithms


Below is a list of relevant tools and algorithms developed by TAU’s researchers.


BHQ – Behavioral Quantification - a mobile phone application

A passive data collection of mobile phone usage, e.g. calls, location, accelerometer, Bluetooth, app browsing, etc. The information is anonymized and analyzed individually to 'learn' a patient's routine and detect deviations. Therefore, quantitative analysis of behavior changes, cognition deterioration and mental health relapse can be predicated. The application is already in use in differetn clinical studies. The app is available for installment in mobile phones of volunteers or beta-users.

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For more information:

Prof. Uri Nevo -

Ella Wilcyznski -



Cell Studio - Agent Based Modelling platform

Cell Studio is a unique platform for modelling complex biological systems. Cell Studio provides the infrastructure to model biological, biophysical, bioinformatics and chemical data. It further allows to perform multiple repetitions using parallel computing. The use of Cell Studio is done using an advanced environment specifically designed for non-coding researchers, including a visual interface,

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For more information:

Prof. Uri Nevo -

Ella Wilcyznski -



Please contact us to add your resource to the list.


For a full list of bioinformatics tools developed by TAU’s researchers, please visit the software section on the Edmond J. Safra Center’s website.