Physics Colloquium: Ballistic transport, superconductivity and magnetism at the interface between nonmagnetic insulators

Prof. Yoram Dagan, TAU

30 November 2014, 16:00 
Shenkar Building, Lev Hall 
Physics Colloquium


Recent developments in thin-film-fabrication techniques have enabled the deposition of newly designed and well controlled oxide interfaces. These interfaces can have properties which are significantly different from their constituent materials. An electronic reconstruction occurring at the interfaces may be at the origin of these phenomena. Correlated electrons in oxide interfaces result in a variety of properties, such as metal-insulator transition, superconductivity and magnetism. 
In my talk I will describe the state of the art research in oxide interfaces focusing on the conducting interface formed between the band insulators SrTiO3 and LaAlO3. I will describe our new methods of fabricating nano-wires and ballistic quantum wires from oxide interfaces the first type can probe unique superconductivity and magnetism and the second can be a platform for studying exotic excitation and as a component in spin-electronics applications.


Event Organizer: Prof. Alexander Gerber