Prof. Yakir Aharonov

Emeritus in School of Physics and Astronomy
ביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה אמריטוס
Phone: 03-6408159
Office: Kaplun, 405


Yakir Aharonov has been studying the foundations of quantum mechanics for many years now. His research interests are very broad including: Time, nonlocality, topological effects, geometric phase, gauge symmetry, quantum measurements, interpretations of quantum mechanics and more. His main contributions are believed to be the discovery of Aharonov-Bohm effect (together with David Bohm) and weak measurements (together with Lev Vaidman and David Albert). He is also the father of Aharonov-Casher effect, Aharonov-Anandan phase, protective measurement, the Two-State-Vector formalism of quantum mechanics, as well as many other quantum effects. His discoveries have led to fruitful theoretical and experimental research worldwide.


  • B.Sc., Technion, Haifa, 1956

  • Ph.D., Bristol University, England, 1960

Academic Appointments

  • Professor of Theoretical Physics and the James J. Farley Professor of Natural Philosophy at Chapman University, USA, 2008-Present

  • Professor at George Mason University, USA, 2006-2008

  • Joint professorship at the Tel Aviv University, Israel and the University of South Carolina, USA, 1973-2006

  • Joint professorship at the Tel Aviv University, Israel and the Yeshiva University, USA, 1967-1973

  • Associate Professor, Yeshiva University, USA, 1964-1967

  • Assistant Professor, Yeshiva University, USA, 1961-1964

  • Research Associate, Brandeis University, USA, 1960-1961

Awards and Prizes

  • Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, 1981

  • Weizmann Prize in Physics, 1984

  • Rothschild Prize in Physics, 1984

  • Israel Prize in exact science, 1989

  • Elected to the National Academy of Science of Israel, 1990

  • The Elliott Cresson Medal – The Franklin Institute, 1991

  • Honorary Doctor of Science, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, 1992

  • Elected Member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 1993

  • Honorary Doctor of Science, University of South Carolina, USA, 1993

  • Hewlett–Packard Europhysics Prize, 1995

  • Honorary Doctor of Science, Bristol University, UK, 1997

  • Wolf Prize in Physics, 1998

  • Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999

  • EMET Prize in Exact Science, 2006

  • Receiving the National Medal of Science, USA from president Obama, 2010

  • Honorary Doctor of Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2012

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