Health Insurance

updated: 19.01.2016

Health insurance Coverage in Israel includes medical diagnosis and treatment, preventive medicine, hospitalization, first aid and transportation to a hospital or clinic, medical services at the workplace, medical equipment and appliances, medication, treatment of chronic diseases and paramedical services such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Providers in the Israeli healthcare system consist of of private, semi-private and public entities. Each HMO operates its own family practice clinics and contract with privately operated family practice clinics.


Most of our students usually have their local insurance upon arrival, but in case you are interested in having it here we would be happy to help . We have found that foreign students are satisfied with the insurance arranged through a local insurance agency working with TAU (Phone: 972-3-6408850; Fax: 972-3-6415170).


The four nationwide HMOs are:

Clalit Maccabi
Leumit Meuhedet